Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Work Out!

Nutrition is a constant balancing game: to maintain your weight, you must balance the amount of energy you take in with the amount of it you use. You use energy in your daily activities, and in your body’s various processes. This is often not enough, though, especially when many people spend countless inactive hours in front of the television. The result of this inactivity and high energy intake is often the accumulation of excess body fat.

While many people see excess body fat as only a cosmetic problem, it can, in fact, be a very serious health risk. One’s chances of contracting numerous diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers, escalates when body weight go above the recommended levels.
That is why it is so important to practice weight
management. Try to be physically active whenever you can. Even if it is only a jog three times a week, it can improve your overall health, and help you maintain or lose weight. Additionally, do not overeat. Try to eat
only as much as you need. Stay away from high-fat foods; a little of them is not very filling but high in calories. Grains, fruits, and vegetables will fill you up more while providing you with less calories than the high-fat foods. Cut down on snacking -- you would be surprised .
how much fat, sugar, and calories a few Ring-Dings and Ho-Hos can contribute to you diet without meeting any of your nutrient requirements

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