Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why Eat Right?

Good question.

We all know that eating is a great thing. We share good times, culture, and history through the foods we eat. The USDA starts off its guidelines
for eating by proclaiming, “Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures.” And it is -- but like all great pleasures, it must be done intelligently.

The way you eat is crucial to your well being in all stages of life. Nutrition is vital to a child’s physical and mental development, a teenager’s proper maturation, and and adult’s well being.
Healthy eating can prove to be your best means of fighting illness. Proper eating is known to combat such conditions as heat disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. A good diet can significantly reduce your risk of contracting one of these chronic illnesses.
Eating right is also crucial for the regular maintenance of your body. Various foods contain the energy and nutrients that your body needs to function properly.
For instance, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins supply your body with the energy (calories) it needs, calcium in milk gives your body the building blocks it needs for bones and teeth, and vitamins perform numerous functions in keeping your body running well

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